
News and opinion on all things charitable.

Philanthropy Daily, a publication of the Center for Civil Society, offers a principled perspective on the latest developments and most pressing issues in the field of philanthropy. By presenting both news and opinion, Philanthropy Daily clues readers in on what’s being discussed and decided by nonprofit leaders, government officials, and academic researchers across the country (and the world). If you’re looking for a nuanced, distinctive perspective on the news you see in major publications, Philanthropy Daily has it on offer.

Our Most Popular Posts

Philanthropy, privilege, and charity

A Huffington Post author wrestles with his kids’ desire to give away the inheritance. Amid the silliness, there are real insights about charity and philanthropy.

Can a robot write a letter?

ChatGPT has its limitations, but (used wisely) it can be a powerful tool for improving your fundraising writing, saving you time and money along the way.

Rage givers: what they are and what to do

A new phenomenon of “rage giving” has emerged in recent years. You’ll want to be ready in case your nonprofit is next.

Philanthropy’s role in helping Black Americans

Even as life for Blacks in America has improved since Dr. King’s day, racial disparities remain. Philanthropy can help to remedy those disparities.

Beyond left and right in politics

The political right and left are intellectually bankrupt, uninspiring, and unnuanced. We must rely on—and promote—philanthropy and the nonprofit sector to advance a healthy society.

The root causes of problematic giving

Are churches communicating the importance of giving? If not, what does this mean for charitable giving and the health of civil society?