The King’s College: New York or Nowhere

On the morning of July 17, the board of trustees of The King’s College announced that it would not offer classes this fall. Though the board clarified this was not an announcement of a permanent closure, at least for now the college is closing its doors, leaving its...

The Goons of August

Dear Intelligent American,   The kiddies with matriculating aspirations are heading back to college, and it seems they might merit our national concern. Yep: A new Gallup survey finds the future big debtors are rife with worry, stress, and even loneliness. Maybe it...

Right hand, meet left

Did you know that serial killers have all but vanished from America in the past few decades? It’s true. You don’t hear about new Ted Bundys or John Wayne Gacys today because that genre of sociopath apparently no longer exists. There are any number of theories why . ....

What is the Progressive Web App (PWA) and how it works?

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