As a fundraiser, you write proposals for the same reason that Willie Sutton robbed banks: because that’s where the money is. But could you be writing them better? Galvanize your grant writing with this master class on the fundamentals of writing successful proposals. With minimal abstract philosophizing and an abundance of practical wisdom, “Elements of Grant Writing” will arm you and your development staff with the tools you need to improve your grant proposals. You’ll also have the opportunity to workshop your organization’s grant-writing material during the class or in an individual follow-up session, so plan to share your general operations proposal and any questions you have about your materials.
What You’ll Learn
- What a foundation is and what they might value in a grant proposal
- What happens to a proposal when it’s submitted
- The basic principles that should inform your grant writing
- Common errors almost everyone makes and how to avoid them
- Concrete steps you can take to help your grant writing stand out from the pack